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Application Process and Deadlines

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Once a year, eligible faculty can apply online for a salary supplement. If approved, they can apply for reimbursement for qualified childcare expenses once they have been incurred. Reimbursement claims are processed up to five times per year. Please note that faculty with a household income of $216,000 or less should first apply to CCSG.

Online applications for 2024 Pro Rated FCCAP are now open Apply online here

New and continuing faculty must apply to this program between October 9 - November 17, 2023. Awards are not automatically renewed. Applications for the fiscal year (September 1 – August 31) must be submitted annually. 

Applications will only be accepted after November 17, 2023, from newly hired or newly eligible faculty (i.e., since the previous deadline) or to amend existing awards (e.g., for additional children). Awards granted after November 17, 2023, will be prorated to the nearest subsequent month.

AOctober 9 - November 17, 2023September 1, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2024 (full year, 100% award)Current and newly eligible faculty
BNovember 17, 2023 - August 15, 2024If granted, the award will begin on the first of the month after the application has been submitted. The award amount will be prorated for the remainder of the fiscal year.New eligible faculty who did not apply by November 17, 2023, current faculty who were not eligible during a prior period, or current participants who need to file an amendment

Note: Faculty whose household has federal taxable gross earnings less than $216,000 should apply to the Child Care Subsidy Grant Program (CCSG) before applying to the Faculty Child Care Assistance Program (FCCAP).  CCSG offers eligible applicants the opportunity to receive financial assistance through their Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts as pre-tax dollars.  Faculty members enrolled in both programs will have their final FCCAP award amount adjusted to include the additional Child Care Subsidy Grant assistance provided. Stanford allows one CCSG and one FCCAP grant per family per year.