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Scott Jansson

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Years at Stanford



What is one fun fact about you?
I am an avid Mt. bike rider and alpine skier
What is one thing that you like about working at Stanford?
I like working with interesting and great people at SLAC
Tell us briefly about an event, project, program or initiative you were involved with at Stanford that you're most proud of.
I am most proud of the LCLS 1 undulator project. The Magnetic Measurements group which I am part of tuned measured and tuned all of the LCLS 1 Undulators and they worked perfectly on the first light through the beamline.
What is one of your favorite memories while working at Stanford?
Working on the SLD detector on the Cherenkov Radiation imaging device as my first position at SLAC
Leave your Legacy: What piece of guidance would you give a new hire at Stanford?
Keep working and enjoy your time at the Lab

Other Career Celebrations

  • Stanford Alumni Association (SAA)

    Years at Stanford



  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

    Years at Stanford


